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Dance Yearbook
Helpful Hints and Tips to designing your shoutout
Business Ads and Shoutouts due
February 23rd
New Team Members due
March 25th
*Note: We cannot guarantee inclusion in the book if submitted after this deadline
It's been a particularly tough year for the Spurs and Silvies ...
opportunities lost, social distancing, missed firsts and missed lasts. Don't let them forget all they have accomplished!
Reward and honor your dancer with a shoutout!
Full Page
9.75 x 7.5 in
936 x 720 pixels
Half Page
4.88 x 7.5 in
468 x 720 pixels
Quarter Page
4.88 x 3.75 in
468 x 336 pixels
1/8th Page
2.4 x 3.75 in
230 x 336 pixels
20-word shoutout for $5
1. Be Creative!
2. Use clear, high-resolution photographs.
3. Make sure you use fonts that are easy to read.
4. Spell check, spell check, spell check!
5. Save your file in high-resolution. Preferably at least 300 dpi.
6. Use high-contrast photos as shoutouts are printed in black and white.
7. Use an odd number of photos (1, 3, 5, 7, etc.)
8. Include First and Last name of your dancer.
Got questions? Email
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